Jiang Yu Zheng, Ph.D.

Professor, Computer & Information Science

Director, Center for Visual Information Sensing and Computing (VISC)

SL 280G
(317) 278-2365
Research Areas:
Imaging & Visualization Research Group


Dr. Zheng specializes in the areas of image and video computing, computer vision, AI, multimedia, virtual reality, intelligent vehicle/robot, etc. His current research interests include dynamic image sensing, autonomous driving, large scale scene representation, 3D reconstruction and recognition, and multimedia indexing and interfaces. His pioneer works of panorama and route panorama images have largely contributed to the geographical information retrieval. His other works on 3D model acquisition using different visual cues and their applications in digitizing and visualizing cultural heritage have also been recognized widely. In addition, he has worked on mobile robot navigation and intelligent vehicle systems based on driving environmental sensing and understanding. His projects have been supported by NIST, DOT, NIJ, NSF in Japan as well as other private foundations such as TOYOTA. Dr. Zheng has published over 140 papers in prestigious journals and peer reviewed international conferences. He has also served as program committee for many international conferences.

Research Lab Website
Center for Visual Information Sensing and Computing 

Current Research

  1. Video recognition for autonomous driving
  2. Temporal deep learning network for motion understanding and segmentation
  3. Data mining and deep learning of scenes under different weather conditions
  4. Sensing pedestrian, bicyclist and event classification for vehicles and robots
  5. Multimedia and virtual reality 

Research Areas

  • Computer vision
  • AI
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Multimedia
  • Autonomous Driving
  • Virtual reality


  • B.S. Computer Science, Fudan University, 1983
  • M.S. Control Engineering, Osaka University, 1987
  • Ph.D. Control Engineering, Osaka University, 1990

Publications & Professional Activity

Select Publications

  • G. Cheng, J. Y. Zheng, Sequential Semantic Segmentation of Road Profiles for Path and Speed Planning, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 1-14, 2022.
  • M. Kilicarslan, J. Y. Zheng, DeepStep: Direct Detection of Walking Pedestrians from Motion by a Vehicle Camera, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), 1-12, June, 2022.
  • Z. Wang, G. Cheng, J. Y. Zheng, Road edge detection in all weather and illumination via driving video mining, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), 4(2), 232-243, March 2019.
  • M. Kilicarslan, J. Y. Zheng, Predict vehicle collision by TTC from motion using a single video camera, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 20(2), 522-533, 2019.
  • G. Cheng, Z. Wang, J. Y. Zheng, Modeling weather and illuminations in driving views based on big-video mining, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), 3(4), 522-533, 2018.
  • S. Bagheri, J. Y. Zheng, S. Sinha, Temporal mapping of surveillance video from indexing and summarization, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 144, 237-257, 2016.
  • S. Wang, S. Luo, Y. Huang, J. Y. Zheng, P. Dai, Q. Han, Railroad online: acquiring and visualizing route panoramas of railway scenes. The Visual Computer 30(9), 1045-1057, 2014.
  • A. Jazayeri, H. Cai, J. Y. Zheng, M. Tuceryan, Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Car Video Based on Motion Model, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12(2), 583-595, 2011.
  • H. Cai, J. Y. Zheng: Key views for visualizing large spaces. (Elsevier) Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 20(6): 420-427 (2009)
  • J. Y. Zheng, M. Shi: Scanning Depth of Route Panorama Based on Stationary Blur. (Springer) International Journal of Computer Vision 78(2-3): 169-186 (2008)
  • J. Y. Zheng, Y. Zhou, and P. Mili: Scanning Scene Tunnel for City Traversing. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graph. 12(2): 155-167 (2006)
  • J. Y. Zheng, Digital Route Panorama, IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 10, No. 3, July-Sept. 57-68, 2003.
  • J. Y. Zheng: Virtual Recovery and Exhibition of Heritage IEEE Multimeia. 7(2): 31-34 (2000)
  • J. Y. Zheng, A. Murata: Acquiring a Complete 3D Model from Specular Motion under the Illumination of Circular-Shaped Light Sources. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(8): 913-920 (2000).
  • J. Y. Zheng, Acquiring 3D models from sequences of contours. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 16(2), 163-178 (1994).
  • J. Y. Zheng, S. Tsuji: Panoramic representation for route recognition by a mobile robot. (Springer) International Journal of Computer Vision 9(1): 55-76 (1992)

Earlier publications (Full paper list at Google Scholar)


Before joining IUPUI, Dr. Zheng was with ATR Communication Systems Research Laboratory during 1990-1993, and worked at Kyushu Institute of Technology in Japan from 1993 to 2001 as an associate professor. He has been visiting professor at UCSD and MSU in US, guest professor at Osaka University, National Institute of Information Communication Technologies (NICT), Nagoya University in Japan, and adjunct professor at Beijing University in China. Dr. Zheng is a senior member of IEEE.


Zheng received 1991 Best Paper Award from the Information Processing Society of Japan for generating the world's first digital panoramic image. He also received the Excellent Paper Award from the Japan Society of Art and Science in 2000 for his development of a graphics tool to extract human motion from video. His paper to ACM VRST2004 is recognized as one of the five best papers for IEEE TVCG publication. His paper with students received N3T best paper on road and safety in ACPR 2019.