Marian L. Logrip, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

LD 126P
(317) 274-6946
Research Areas:
Cellular & Molecular | Addiction Neuroscience


My research focuses on stress-alcohol interactions, particularly how male and female brains differentially adapt to stress and how this impacts the brain’s response to alcohol.  Females are more susceptible to many stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders, including a greater likelihood of relapse to alcohol drinking, because of past traumatic stress exposure.  My work seeks to explain this disparity by identifying sex differences in the molecular and circuit-level remodeling of the brain in response to stress, and by determining the functional relevance of these adaptations.  Analysis of gene and protein expression after stress is used to identify new molecular targets that may be responsible for stress-related behavioral disorders.  Novel molecular targets are assessed for their ability to alter neuronal activity using electrophysiology and for their ability to alter alcohol-related behaviors like self-administration.  I am particularly interested in the long-term effects of traumatic stressors, and thus an additional line of research investigates the persistence of stress-induced changes in neurocircuitry that may elevate alcohol drinking weeks or months later.  Overall my research aims to elucidate sex differences in molecular and circuit adaptations to stress, with the goal of identifying novel medication targets that may improve treatment for those with comorbid anxiety and addictive disorders.

Interested undergraduates or prospective graduate students should contact Dr. Logrip regarding availability of training positions in the lab.

Graduate Students


  • 2015 Senior Research Associate, The Scripps Research Institute
  • 2013 Research Associate, The Scripps Research Institute
  • 2007 Ph.D., Neuroscience, University of California, San Francisco
  • 1997 B.S., Economics, University of Pennsylvania

Publications & Professional Activity

Rangel-Barajas C‡, Boehm SL II, Logrip ML. (2021). Altered excitatory transmission in striatal neurons after chronic ethanol consumption in selectively bred crossed high alcohol-preferring mice. Neuropharmacology, 190:108564.

Moench KM‡, Logrip ML. (2021). Housing condition differentially impacts escalation of alcohol intake, relapse-like drinking, anxiety-like behavior, and stress history effects by sex. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45:480-89.

Logrip ML, Gainey SC‡. (2020). Sex differences in the long-term effects of past stress on alcohol self-administration, glucocorticoid sensitivity and phosphodiesterase 10A expression. Neuropharmacology, 164:107857.

Logrip ML, Oleata C, Roberto M. (2017). Sex differences in responses of the basolateral-central amygdala circuit to alcohol, corticosterone and their interaction. Neuropharmacology 114: 123-134.

Logrip ML. (2015). Phosphodiesterase regulation of alcohol drinking in rodents. Alcohol, S0741-8329: 20270-4.

Logrip ML, Vendruscolo LF, Schlosburg JE, Koob GF, Zorrilla EP. (2014). Phosphodiesterase 10A regulates alcohol and saccharin self-administration in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39:1722-1731.

Logrip ML, Zorrilla EP. (2014). Differential changes in amygdala and frontal cortex Pde10a expression during acute and protracted withdrawal. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 8:30.

Logrip ML, Rivier C, Lau C, Im S, Vaughan J, Lee S. (2013). Adolescent alcohol exposure alters the rat adult hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responsiveness in a sex-specific manner. Neuroscience, 3:174-186. 

Logrip ML, Zorrilla EP. (2012). Stress history increases alcohol intake in relapse: relation to phosphodiesterase 10A. Addiction Biology, 17:920-933.

Logrip ML, Janak PH, Ron D. (2009). Escalating ethanol intake is associated with altered corticostriatal BDNF expression. The Journal of Neurochemistry 109:1459-1468. 

Logrip ML, Janak PH, Ron D. (2008). Dynorphin is a downstream effector of striatal BDNF regulation of ethanol intake. The FASEB Journal 22:2393-2404.

See a complete list of Dr. Logrip's publications.