Alexey Kuznetsov

Associate Professor

LD 224C
(317) 278-7460
Research Areas:
Computational Neuroscience | Mathematical Biology | Mathematical & Computational Neuroscience


My research focuses on designing computational and mathematical models for biological processes. Two types of the processes I am currently studying are electrical activity of neurons and dynamics of regulatory molecular networks. A mathematical aim of my research is to develop common modeling approaches that can be used for analysis of a wide range of systems. Other aims are specific for every project and depend on the biological system I model. Currently, the major direction of my research is mathematical modeling of how addictions change the brain circuitry and function. I am designing a model of the brain circuitry that is responsible for goal-directed learning and hijacked in addictions - the dopamine system and its feedback mechanisms. The project offers an exceptional opportunity to connect experiments at different levels by modeling and achieve deep understanding of how specific addictive drugs targets produce its system level effects.


  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Boston University, Mathematics Department, Center for BioDynamics, 1/02 – 7/05
  • PhD equivalent in Physics and Mathematics, State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 9/1996-6/1999

Publications & Professional Activity

E. Morozova, D. Zakharov, B. Gutkin, C. Lapish, A. Kuznetsov; Dopamine neurons change the type of excitability in response to stimuli. PLoS Computational Biology 12(12): e1005233 .

E. Morozova, M. Myroshnichenko, M. di Volo, B. Gutkin, C. Lapish, A. Kuznetsov; Contribution of synchronized GABAergic neurons to dopaminergic neuron firing and bursting. Accepted to J. Neurophysiology, 2016.

C. C. Canavier, R. C. Evans, A. M. Oster, E. K. Pissadaki, G. Drion, A. S. Kuznetsov, B. S. Gutkin; Implications of cellular models of dopamine neurons for disease. Journal of Neurophysiology Aug 2016, jn.00530.2016; DOI: 10.1152/jn.00530.2016

D. Zakharov, C. Lapish, B. Gutkin, A Kuznetsov; Synergy of AMPA and NMDA receptor currents in dopaminergic neurons: a modeling study. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience Special Issue “Burst coding: from Cell to Cognition”, 10: 48. 2016 doi:  10.3389/fncom.2016.00048. BioArchive doi:

D. Zakharov, A Kuznetsov; On the Dynamical Mechanism of the Influence of Synaptic Currents on the Neuron Model with Response Differentiation. Letters to Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (JETP Letters). V. 102 N.3 PP. 184-188, 2015.

A. Kuznetsov and B. Gutkin, Dopaminergic Cell Models. In Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_86-2, 2014.

D. Fu, P. Tan, A. Kuznetsov, Y. Molkov, Chaos and Robustness in a Single Family of Genetic Oscillatory Networks. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90666. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090666 2014.