Cristine Czachowski, Ph.D.

Professor, Area Head of Addiction Neuroscience Graduate Program, Director of NIAAA T32 Training Grant

LD 126A
(317) 278-4820
Research Areas:
Behavioral & Addiction Neuroscience | Addiction Neuroscience


My research uses an animal model to better understand the processes by which humans regulate alcohol consumption. Currently, I am working with a model that closely approximates human alcohol-drinking: from the onset of a "drinking episode" which starts with the purchase of a bottle or the entering of a bar, to the termination of that particular drinking binge. The ability to separate the seeking phase of alcohol-directed behavior from alcohol intake translates into an ability to identify treatments of alcohol abuse that can target alcohol craving before a person engages in drinking and essentially succumbs to "falling off the wagon". I am using this model to assess both drug treatments and basic neuroanatomically active agents to characterize the pharmacology and neural circuitry of alcohol reinforcement.

Dr. Czachowski is accepting graduate applications to her lab.


  • B.S. 1989, Rutgers University
  • M.A. 1994, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Ph.D. 1998, University of California, Santa Barbara

Publications & Professional Activity

  1. McCane AM, Auterson CD, DeLory MJ, Lapish CC, Czachowski CL (2021) Differential effects of quinine-adulteration of alcohol on seeking and drinking. Alcohol 92:73-80.
  2. Beckwith SW, Czachowski CL (2019) Ethanol pre-exposure impairs P rats’ ability to dynamically adapt behavioral allocation to changing reinforcer contingencies. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 187:172-816. DOI: 10.1016/j.pbb.2019.172816 PMCID: PMC6878995
  3. McCane AM, Ahn S, Rubchinsky L, Janetsian-Fritz SS, Linsenbardt D, Czachowski CL, Lapish CL (2018) COMT inhibition alters cued-evoked oscillatory dynamics during alcohol drinking in the rat. eNeuro 12 October 2018, ENEURO.0326-18.2018; DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0326-18.2018
  4. McCane AM, DeLory MJ, Timm MM, Janetsian-Fritz SS, Lapish CL, Czachowski CL (2018) Differential COMT expression and behavioral effects of COMT inhibition in male and female Wistar and alcohol preferring rats. Alcohol 67:15-22. PMCID: PMC5818329
  5. Windisch KA, Czachowski CL (2018) Effects of group II metabotropic glutamate receptor modulation on ethanol- and sucrose-seeking and consumption in the rat. Alcohol 66:77-85. PMCID: PMC5743632
  6. Czachowski CL, Froehlich JC, DeLory MJ (2017) The effects of long-term varenicline administration on ethanol- and sucrose-seeking and self-administration in male P rats. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 42(2):453-460. PMCID: PMC5785421