Pierre-André Jacinthe, Ph.D.


SL 118H
(317) 274-7969
Research Areas:


Nitrogen dynamics and water quality; soil-atmosphere exchange of trace gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O); biogeochemistry of restored wetlands; soil erosion and the global carbon cycle; carbon sequestration; conservation tillage and soil processes.

My research program consists of the following four areas:

  • trace gas dynamics in managed and natural ecosystems
  • nutrient cycling and water quality
  • carbon biogeochemistry, dynamics and assessment methods
  • biogeochemistry of restored ecosystems


  • Ph.D., Agronomy / Soil Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1995.
  • M.Sc., Natural Resources / Soil Chemistry, Ball State University, Indiana, 1991.
  • B.S., Agronomy / Soils, State University of Haiti, 1985

Publications & Professional Activity

Shao T., Song, K., Jacinthe P.A., Du J., Zhao Y., Ding Z., Guan Y., Zhang B. 2016. Characteristics and sources analysis of riverine chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Liaohe River, China. Water Science & Technology 74:2843-2859.

Ladan S., Jacinthe P.A. 2016. Evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal compounds for selective inhibition of denitrification in soils. Environmental Science: Process and Impact 18: 1519-1529.

Nakajima T., Shrestha R.K., Jacinthe P.A., Lal R., Bilen S., Dick W.A. 2016. Organic carbon pool in ploughed and no-till Alfisols of central Ohio. Soil Use and Management 32: 515-524.

Daryanto S., Wang L., Jacinthe P.A. 2016. Drought effects on root and tuber production: A meta-analysis. Agricultural Water Management 176: 122-131.

Daryanto S., Wang L., P.A. Jacinthe. 2016. Global synthesis of drought effects on maize and wheat production. PLOS One 11: e0156362.

Jacinthe P.A., P. Vidon, K. Fisher, X. Liu, M. Baker. 2015. Soil methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from cropland and riparian buffers in different hydrogeomorphic settings. Journal of Environmental Quality 44:1080-1090.

Daryanto S., Wang L., P.A. Jacinthe. 2015. Global synthesis of drought effects on food legume production. PLOS One 10: e0127401 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127401).

Jacinthe P.A. 2015. Carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in variably-flooded riparian forests. Geoderma 241: 41-50.

Liu, X., Vidon P., Jacinthe P.A., Fisher K., Baker M. 2014. Seasonal and geomorphic controls on N and P removal in riparian zones of the US Midwest. Biogeochemistry 119: 245-257

Prajapati, P., Jacinthe P.A. 2014. Methane oxidation kinetics and diffusivity in soils under conventional tillage and long-term no-till. Geoderma 230: 161-170.

Vidon, P., P.A Jacinthe, X. Liu, K. Fisher, M. Baker. 2014. Hydro-biogeochemical controls on riparian nutrient and greenhouse gas dynamics: 10 years post-restoration. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50: 639-652.

Jacinthe, P.A., W.A. Dick, R. Lal, R.K Shrestha, S. Bilen. 2014. Effects of no-till duration on methane oxidation in Central Ohio Alfisols. Biology and Fertility of Soils 50: 477-486.

Fisher, K., P.A Jacinthe, P. Vidon, X. Liu, M.E. Baker. 2014. Nitrous oxide emission from cropland and adjacent riparian buffers in contrasting hydrogeomorphic settings. Journal of Environmental Quality 43: 338-348.

Smith, A.S., P.A. Jacinthe. 2014. A mesocosm study of the effects of wet-dry cycles on nutrient release from constructed wetlands in agricultural landscapes. Environmental Science: Process and Impact 16: 106-115.

Ussiri, D.A., Jacinthe P.A. Lal R. 2014. Methods for determination of coal carbon in reclaimed minesoils: A review. Geoderma 214:155-167.

Vidon, P, Mitchell C.P.J., Jacinthe P.A., Baker M., Liu X., and Fisher K. 2013. Mercury dynamics in groundwater across three distinct riparian zones of the US Midwest. Environmental Science: Process and Impact 15: 2131-2141.

Jacinthe, P.A., J.S. Bills, L.P. Tedesco, R.C. Barr. 2012. Nitrous oxide emission from riparian buffers in relation to vegetation and flood frequency. J. Environ. Qual. 41: 95-105.

Jacinthe, P.A., G.M. Filippelli, L.P.Tedesco, R. Raftis. 2012. Carbon storage and greenhouse gases emission from a fluvial reservoir in an agricultural landscape. Catena 94: 53-63.     

Jacinthe, P.A., M. K. Shukla, Y. Ikemura. 2011. Carbon pools and soil biochemical properties in manure-based organic farming systems of semi-arid New Mexico. Soil Use and Management 27: 453-463.

Bills, J.S., P.A. Jacinthe, L.P. Tedesco. 2010. Soil organic carbon pools and composition in a wetland complex invaded by reed canary grass. Biol. Fert. Soils 46: 697-706. 

Jacinthe, P.A., G.M. Filippelli, Tedesco, L.P., Licht, K. 2010. Distribution of copper in sediments from fluvial reservoirs treated with cutrine. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 211: 35-48.

Jacinthe, P.A., J.S. Bills, L.P. Tedesco. 2010. Size, activity and catabolic diversity of the soil microbial biomass in a wetland complex invaded by reed canary grass. Plant Soil 329: 227-238.

Jacinthe, P.A., R. Lal, and L.B. Owens. 2009. Application of stable isotope analysis to quantify the retention of eroded carbon in grass filters at the North Appalachian experimental watersheds. Geoderma 148: 405-412.

Jacinthe, P.A., and L. Tedesco. 2009. Impact of elevated copper on the rate and gaseous products of denitrification in freshwater sediments. Journal of Environmental Quality 38: 1183-1192.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2009. Tillage effects on carbon sequestration and microbial biomass in reclaimed farmland soils of southwestern Indiana. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73: 605-613.

Shrestha RK, Lal R, Jacinthe PA. 2009. Enhancing carbon and nitrogen sequestration in reclaimed soils through organic amendments and chiseling. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73: 1004-1011.

Harrison, J., Maranger, R., Alexander, R., Giblin A., Jacinthe, P.A., Mayorga, E.,Seitzinger, S., Sobota, D., Wollheim, W. 2009. The regional and global significance of nitrogen removal in lakes and reservoirs. Biogeochemistry 93:143-157.

Jacinthe, P.A., Barton, C.D., Maharaj, S. and Lal, R.  2009. An evaluation of methodologies for assessing geogenic carbon in minesoils of the Eastern US. In: Soil Carbon Sequestration and the Greenhouse Effect, Soil Science Society of America, Publication 57, 2nd edition, Madison, WI.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2007. Carbon storage and minesoil properties in relation to topsoil application techniques. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71: 1788-1795.

Jacinthe, P.A., and P.M. Groffman.  2006. Microbial nitrogen cycling processes in a sulfidic coastal marsh. Wetlands Ecology and Management 14:123-131.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2006a. Spatial variability of soil properties and trace gas fluxes in reclaimed mineland. Geoderma 136: 598-608.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2006b. Methane oxidation potential of reclaimed grassland soils as affected by management. Soil Science 171: 772-783.

Ussiri, D.A., R. Lal, and P.A. Jacinthe.  2006.  Soil properties and carbon sequestration of afforested pastures in reclaimed minesoils of Ohio.  Soil Science Society of America Journal 70: 1797-1806.

Ussiri, D.A., R. Lal, and P.A. Jacinthe. 2006.  Effects of post-reclamation land use on properties and carbon sequestration in minesoils of Southeastern Ohio.  Soil Science 171: 261-271.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2005. Labile carbon and methane uptake as affected by tillage intensity in a Mollisol.  Soil and Tillage Research 80:35-45.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2004. Effects of soil cover on fluxes and depth concentration of trace gases. Soil Science 169: 243-259.

Jacinthe, P.A., R. Lal, L.B. Owens, and D.L. Hothem. 2004. Transport of labile carbon in runoff as affected by land-use and rainfall characteristics. Soil and Tillage Research 77: 11-23.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2003. Soil Respiration. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R.Lal, editor. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

Jacinthe, P.A., P.M. Groffman and A.J. Gold. 2003. Carbon dioxide production and dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a riparian aquifer: Effects of hydrology and nitrate enrichment. Journal of Environmental Quality 32: 1365-1374.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2003. Nitrogen fertilization of wheat residue affecting nitrous oxide and methane emission from a central Ohio Luvisol. Biology and Fertility of Soils 37: 338-347.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2002. Erosion and carbon dioxide. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R. Lal, editor. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

Jacinthe, P.A., W.A. Dick, and L.B. Owens. 2002. Overwinter soil denitrification activity and nitrogen cycling as affected by management practices.  Biology and Fertility of Soils 36: 1-9.

Jacinthe, P.A., R. Lal, and J. Kimble. 2002a.   A simulation study of carbon dioxide evolution in runoff from long-term no-till and plowed soils. Soil and Tillage Research  66: 23-33.

Jacinthe, P.A., R. Lal, and J. Kimble. 2002b. Carbon budget and seasonal carbon dioxide emission from a central Ohio Luvisol as influenced by wheat residue amendment. Soil and Tillage Research 67: 147-157.

Jacinthe, P.A., R. Lal, and J. Kimble. 2002c. Influence of crop residue fertilization on accumulation and quality of organic carbon in a central Ohio Luvisol. Soil Science 167:750-758.

Jacinthe, P.A., and P.M. Groffman. 2001. Silicone rubber sampler to measure dissolved gases in saturated soils and waters.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry 33:907-912.

Jacinthe, P.A., R. Lal, and J. Kimble. 2001. Assessing water erosion impacts on soil carbon pools and fluxes. In Assessment Methods for Soil Carbon Pools, R. Lal, J. Kimble, R.F Follett and B. Stewart, editors. CRC Press Publishers, Boca Raton, Fl., pp. 427-450.

Jacinthe, P.A., R. Lal, and J. Kimble. 2001. Organic carbon storage and dynamics in croplands and terrestrial deposits as influenced by subsurface tile-drainage. Soil Science 166: 322-335.

Jacinthe, P.A., and R. Lal. 2001. A mass balance approach to assess carbon dioxide evolution during erosional events.  Land Degradation and Development 12: 329-339.

Jacinthe, P.A., W.A. Dick, and L.C. Brown. 2000. Bioremediation of nitrate-contaminated shallow soils and waters using water table management techniques: Evolution and release of nitrous oxide. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 32: 371-382.

Jacinthe, P.A., W.A. Dick, and L.C. Brown. 1999. Bioremediation of nitrate-contaminated shallow soils and waters using water table management techniques: Nitrate removal efficiency. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineering 42: 1251-1259.

Addy, K., A.J. Gold, P.M. Groffman, and P.A. Jacinthe. 1999. Groundwater nitrate removal in subsoil of forested and mowed riparian buffer zones. Journal of Environmental Quality 28: 962-970.

Groffman, P.M., A.J. Gold, and P.A. Jacinthe. 1998. Nitrous oxide production in riparian zones and groundwater. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 52:179-186.

Jacinthe, P.A., P.M. Groffman, A.J. Gold, and A. Mosier. 1998. Patchiness in microbial nitrogen transformations in groundwater in a riparian forest. Journal of Environmental Quality 27:156-164.

Gold, A.J., P.A. Jacinthe, P.M. Groffman, and R.H. Puffer. 1998. Patchiness in groundwater nitrate removal in a riparian forest. Journal of Environmental Quality 27:146-155.

Jacinthe, P.A. and W.A. Dick. 1997. Soil management and nitrous oxide emissions from cultivated fields in Southern Ohio. Soil and Tillage Research  41:221-235.

Jacinthe, P.A. and W.A. Dick. 1996. Use of silicone tubing to sample nitrous oxide in the soil atmosphere. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28: 721-726.

Jacinthe, P.A. and J.R. Pichtel. 1992. Interactions of the nitrification inhibitors nitrapyrin and dicyandiamide with soil humic compounds. Soil Science Society America Journal 56:465-470.